Can I renew my pet insurance policy when it expires in a year? Will my premium go up or down?

Nizam Habibur

Last Update 5 maanden geleden

Yes! You may renew your pet's plan with us up to the age of 13 years.

Many factors are considered when determining the renewal premium. This includes, but is not limited to, your pet's age at renewal, claims history and kind of claims, health issues, and other factors.

Furthermore, because PAWer Insurance is an insurance pool, we must ensure that our overall pool of premiums and claims paid are sustainable.

Etiqa General Insurance Berhad, our insurance partner, considers all of these characteristics before determining the renewal premium for PAWer Insurance customers, and this will vary from pet owner to pet owner because no two pets are the same.

Rest assured that we will strive to treat each of you equally and will consider your overall history and connection with us when calculating your renewal premium.

We will email you a renewal reminder one month before your insurance ends. This notification will also be sent to your PAWer Insurance account.

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