How do I add, edit, share or delete a pet profile?

What you need to know about pet profile


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Pet profiles enable you to provide intensive care information to your pet care provider, such as veterinarian contact information, daily care instructions, and your pet's behaviours. 

This is the most effective way to ensure that your pet is secure and happy while you are away. Fill out your pet's information properly to ensure your petcare provider has a great stay.

Download mobile apps to help you manage your pets.

Create a new pet profile

It is simple to create a new profile; simply click the dashboard "add pet" icon to add new pets.

Share Pet Profile & Pet ID QR

QR pet ID was created to allow pet parents to easily exchange information about their pets. You can save their QR code and attach it to their collar tag or carrier.

Edit a pet profile

The more information you include in your pet's profile, the better. This allows your sitter or groomer to better understand your pet's requirements both before and during their time together. Simply click edit link at their profile

Delete a pet profile

You may have accidentally created a pet in your account and wish to delete it. The delete function is only available in their mobile app, which can be found in their profile. Click dot icon at their profile to view delete link.

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